Seminar Internasional ini diselenggarakan atas kerjasama Program Studi Desain Interior (Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain, Institut Teknologi Bandung) dengan Universitas Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). Webinar PlaceSense International Spatial Discourse 2021 ini berlangsung selama 1 hari secara daring, mengangkat tema mengenai Design, Education, and Community. Tujuan dari seminar ini adalah selain untuk menjalin kerjasama antara kedua institusi, dan diharapkan mampu memberikan wawasan…

Program studi Desain Interior – FSRD ITB, KKMRI – FSRD ITB dan LPPM ITB bekerjasama menyelenggarakan Webinar Seri 1 Spatial Wonder bertajuk: “Prinsip Dasar Akustik dan Pencahayaan dalam Desain Interior” pada Rabu 15 Juli 2020, pukul 10.00-12.00 yang juga di-relay di Youtube LPPM ITB. Kegiatan ini merupakan kelanjutan dari program kolaborasi dan workshop tentang konsep-konsep baru ruang secara ilmiah dan…

Yogie Candra Bhumi, a young designer and member of the research group actively contribute in the Designers Dispatch Service program. The Program, arranged by The Directorate General for National Export Development – Ministry of Trade of Republic of Indonesia, aims to improve Indonesia’s export performance through engagement of some designers in various small scale industries. Designers Dispatch Service (DDS) program…

Interior Design Students Union of ITB host the TKMDII XIII (The 13th Indonesian Interior Design Students Summit) on August 11-13, 2017. The event consists of a range of extra-curricular activities: Students Congress Educational exhibition. Installation works exhibition Lecturer Meeting, Museum tour Four Students workshops Art Tours Student Seminar Performance Students from 23 universities in Indonesia participated in the event.    …

In the first furniture design course, students are encouraged to learn about material characters and utilize them as the design resources for solving a simple design problem (to provide sitting facility). The assignments are addressed to develop their basic design thinking and skills as well as the ability to work both individually and within team work.

SPECULATIVE SPATIAL DESIGN WORKSHOP: What if our space built by our instant improvisation of daily objects? by: Yuki Agriardi K., S.Ds, MA TKMDII XIII, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 11 Agustus 2017     Our daily life environment was filled by the abundant varieties of objects. We made contact, interact and build this relationship with most of the objects we had to…

Andriano Simarmata (ITB Student ID No.17312029) won the first place (Platinum Prize) of the Indonesia Furniture Design Award (IFDA) 2016 held by Direktorat Industri Hasil Hutan dan Perkebunan – Ministry of Industry in cooperation with  the Asosiasi Mebel dan Kerajinan Indonesia (AMKRI), Yayasan Rotan Indonesia (YRI) and Himpunan Desainer Mebel Indonesia (HDMI).  His design, tusinkola means ” go to school “, was…

“Constellation Chair” by Tommy Herseta (ITB Student ID No. 17311019) won the Indonesian Design Challenge (IDC) 2016 held by  the Himpunan Desainer Mebel Indonesia (HDMI) in cooperation with the Perum Perhutani, Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) dan William E. Connor & Associates Ltd. (WECA) as well as  Bio Industri  (IDC) 2016. Another student (Nahja Akbar Khalid – ITB Student ID17312040) also selected…

Permana Siddiq, “Best of The Best” in the Casa Design Challenge 2016, in Jakarta. One of the ITB student (Permana Siddiq – Student ID No. 17313038)  won an award in The Casa Design Challenge 2016. The Juries  (Lea Aziz- head of  HDII), Rina Renville-designer, Abdi Ahsan (desainer), Miranti M. Lemy (Editor-in-Chief CASA Indonesia Magazine), Lisa Malonda and Cristina Morozzi (Istituto Marangoni Italia) selected…

Collective Learning Place, Student Design Workshop CADL building, 15-17 November 2016 The workshop objective is to challenge participants to work in a learning group. Learning group itself is a collection of persons who are emotionally, intellectually, and aesthetically engaged in solving problems, creating products, and making meaning an assemblage in which each person learns autonomously and through the ways of…