Under Community Service Development Program, ITB has contributed to the development of Ganesha Stairs. This project had been proposed by a team led by Prabu Wardono, Interior Design Lecturer with some members including Patriot Mukmin, Fine Art study program lecturer and his students to respond to the fact that it did not look good enough for people to pass. Therefore,…

  Nature Created by Design; Traditional Garden The 13th exhibition since 2006. Nature has existed millions of years before human beings were born. However, we are suffering from natural disorder; abnormal climate, global warming and other environmental issues. Therefore, it’s the time to reconsider the relations of human and nature. Man is the only organism with the capability to interpret…

Melalui dukungan Program Riset Unggulan (RU Pusat Penelitian Produk Budaya dan Lingkungan/PPPBL ITB 2018) anggota KK Manusia dan  Interior, FSRD ITB bekerjasama dengan PT. Polymindo Permata (ViroForm) telah menyelenggarakan “Workshop Eksplorasi Pengembangan Desain Produk Rotan Sintetis dan Bambu. Kegiatan selama lima hari ini melibatkan Komunitas perajin bambu Kecamatan Selaawi, Garut, Alumni dan mahasiswa FSRD ITB. Kegiatan ini merupakan serial kegitan dari…

One of the missions of Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) is having a very good reputation towards World Class University. Among the indicators used to measure a World Class University is the improvement of learning quality & atmosphere that is accessible for international lecturers and students. As a part of Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Interior Design Study Program will organize a…

WHAT WILL HAPPEN IN 2045? “Future Living Space Design Workshop” Ruang Luang Exhibition Organized by Ikatan Mahasiswa Desan Interior ITB (IMDI ITB) March 28th-29th, 2018   The Workshop for Future Living Space Design is a pre-event of IMDI Ruang LuangExhibition. The workshop discussed terms from a futurologist Stuart Candy’s: Different kinds of potential futures: “The Probable Future,” “The Plausible Future,”…