Andriano Simarmata (ITB Student ID No.17312029) won the first place (Platinum Prize) of the Indonesia Furniture Design Award (IFDA) 2016 held by Direktorat Industri Hasil Hutan dan Perkebunan – Ministry of Industry in cooperation with  the Asosiasi Mebel dan Kerajinan Indonesia (AMKRI), Yayasan Rotan Indonesia (YRI) and Himpunan Desainer Mebel Indonesia (HDMI).  His design, tusinkola means ” go to school “, was…

Nahja Akbar Khalid (17312040) received Gold Awards in the Interior Design category of Asian Young Designer Award 2016 The competition held by the Osaka-based paint manufacturer Nippon Paint was organized to be a platform to increase creativity, encourage talented young people to be brave in accepting challenges, creating innovative concepts and ready to collaborate and compete in national and international settings. His…

“Constellation Chair” by Tommy Herseta (ITB Student ID No. 17311019) won the Indonesian Design Challenge (IDC) 2016 held by  the Himpunan Desainer Mebel Indonesia (HDMI) in cooperation with the Perum Perhutani, Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) dan William E. Connor & Associates Ltd. (WECA) as well as  Bio Industri  (IDC) 2016. Another student (Nahja Akbar Khalid – ITB Student ID17312040) also selected…

Permana Siddiq, “Best of The Best” in the Casa Design Challenge 2016, in Jakarta. One of the ITB student (Permana Siddiq – Student ID No. 17313038)  won an award in The Casa Design Challenge 2016. The Juries  (Lea Aziz- head of  HDII), Rina Renville-designer, Abdi Ahsan (desainer), Miranti M. Lemy (Editor-in-Chief CASA Indonesia Magazine), Lisa Malonda and Cristina Morozzi (Istituto Marangoni Italia) selected…

Collective Learning Place, Student Design Workshop CADL building, 15-17 November 2016 The workshop objective is to challenge participants to work in a learning group. Learning group itself is a collection of persons who are emotionally, intellectually, and aesthetically engaged in solving problems, creating products, and making meaning an assemblage in which each person learns autonomously and through the ways of…