Yogie Candra Bhumi, a young designer and member of the research group actively contribute in the Designers Dispatch Service program. The Program, arranged by The Directorate General for National Export Development – Ministry of Trade of Republic of Indonesia, aims to improve Indonesia’s export performance through engagement of some designers in various small scale industries.
Designers Dispatch Service (DDS) program is conducted to create mutual collaboration between entrepreneurs and designers to aim better, more creative and innovative export product. Onit’s fourth year, this program focusing on furniture and home decor product development. Assisted by eight designers for 16 Entrepreneurs from Bandung (West Java), Cirebon (West Java), Jepara, Yogyakarta, Solo, Surabaya, and Lombok.
Solo, as an example, also is known as Surakarta is one of the main development targets in DDS Program, it’s a large city in Central Java with two great kingdoms who live side by side, Mangkunegaran Principality, and the Kasunanan Kingdom. Besides, Solo had a strategic position in the field of economy, politics, and arts. Solo and its surrounding district continue to grow as one of the economic centers in Central Java where thousands of big industries and small medium enterprise developed and most of them are in the field of arts and crafts based industries. The quality furniture and home decor have been widely exported to many countries around the world.